Recovery Day Lancaster
Recovery Day Lancaster (RDL) is an annual celebration and advocacy event focused on recovery from addiction.
Vision: Recovery Day Lancaster promotes a celebration of healing and helps to normalize addiction recovery as a healthy and contributing factor towards a strong community where recovery is the expectation. Studies show that when individuals sustain 5 years of recovery from substance use disorder, 85% are able to remain in recovery for life. We believe that by making recovery more visible, we ultimately make recovery and recovery supports more accessible and sustainable as a public resource.
Learn more about Recovery Day Lancaster
Media Education Project
The Media Education Project (MEP) began out of a mini-grant offered by Compass Mark and the Lancaster County Drug & Alcohol Commission. MEP focuses on sharing evidence-based messaging strategies with the media so that they will be capable of maximizing their role as leaders in the community health issue that is addiction. MEP encourages the use of person-first language (person with substance-use disorder, rather than addict), as well as neutral or positive images of those affected by addiction in the media.
Building Recovery Capital Project
The Building Recovery Capital project (BRC) began out of a mini-grant offered by Compass Mark and the Lancaster County Drug & Alcohol Commission. BRC focuses on increasing community recovery readiness and addiction literacy by:
- Educating key interveners in Lancaster County on evidence-based practices so that they may affect change in their spheres of influence. The project will also educate those entering the addiction field so that there will be a continuous cycle of proven methods constantly evolving. Content will include addiction and recovery basics; the importance of using person-first language and other means of combating stigma; how to move the community toward a Recovery-Oriented System of Care (ROSC) where all doors are the “right door” to access addiction services; the impacts of addressing substance use disorder as a public health issue; and how this public health framework increases the recovery footprint and outlook in rural areas, leading to environments where recovery can flourish. LCRA will equip with helpful tools and provide ongoing technical assistance and support.
Serving as a capacity builder for LCRA as it purposefully transitions to providing expertise, connectivity, and collaboration around leveraging recovery capital inside Lancaster County communities. Grant funds allowed us to revamp our website, where we’ll be able to offer some of the educational materials that we develop free-of-charge.